2008 - 2011 , 访问研究生 , 动物遗传 , National Cancer Institute-Frederick, MD
2006 - 2011 , 理学博士 , 动物学 , 四川大学生命科学学院
2002 - 2006 , 理学学士 , 生物科学 , 四川大学生命科学学院
2013.7 -至今,副研究员,北京大学生命科学学院
2011.6 -2013.6,博士后,北京大学生命科学学院
Felid exhibit tremendous intra- and inter-species coat color/pattern variations, yet the genetic basis of these variations remains largely unknown. Our research takes the advantage of the latest felid genome assembly (i.e. domestic cat, tiger) and the cut-edge sequencing technique to reveal the genetic mechanism underlying the coat color determination of felid.
1. Xu X, Sun X, Hu XS, Zhuang Y, Liu YC, Meng H, Miao L, Yu H, Luo SJ, Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies a Missense Mutation in HES7 Associated with Short Tails in Asian Domestic Cats. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:31583.
2. Zhang MQ, Xu X*, Luo SJ* , The genetics of brown coat color and white spotting in domestic yaks (Bos grunniens) , Anim Genet , 2014 , 45: 652-659,(* co-corresponding author)
3. Cho YS, Hu L, …, Xu X, …, Wang J, Bhak J , The tiger genome and comparative analysis with lion and snow leopard genomes , Nat Commun , 2013 , 4: 2433
4. Xu X, Dong GX, Hu XS, Miao L, Zhang XL, Zhang DL, Yang HD, Zhang TY, Zou ZT, Zhang TT, Zhuang Y, Bhak J, Cho YS, Dai WT, Jiang TJ, Xie C, Li R, Luo SJ , The genetic basis of white tigers , Curr Biol , 2013 , 23:1031-1035,(Cover Story)
5. Kaelin CB*, Xu X*, Hong LZ, David VA, McGowan KA, Schmidt-Kuntzel A, Roelke ME, Pontius J, Cooper GM, Manuel H, Marker L, Harper CK, van Dyk A, Yue B, Mullikin JC, Warren WC, Eizirik E, O’Brien SJ, Barsh GS, Menotti-Raymond M , Specifying and sustaining pigmentation pattern in domestic and wild cats , Science , 2012 , 337: 1536-1541,(* equal contribution)