北京大学 | ENGLISH
3D Genome Organization & Transcription Regulation in Cancer Cells
发布时间:2018-03-28      点击量:2308
主讲人:Yijun Ruan
讲座时间:13:00 — 14:30
题目:3D Genome Organization & Transcription Regulation in Cancer Cells
讲座人:Yijun Ruan
Professor and Director, Genomic Sciences
Florine Roux Endowed Chair in Genomics and Computational Biology
The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine
Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, UConn Health
The linear form of DNA sequences in a human genome is about 2 meters long, which has to be folded in micrometer-sized nuclear space for proper functions. Although most of our current understandings of the human genome functions are based on linear explanations, growing evidences suggest that the 3-Dimension (3D) conformation and high-order organization of the genome must play important roles in shaping the mechanisms of nuclear process such as transcription regulation. Recent advance in DNA sequencing has allowed the development of high-throughput technologies for genome-wide mapping of long range chromatin interactions, and sophisticated computational programs are able to reconstitute the 3D models of the genome. We have started to apply the concepts and technologies developed in 3D genome biology to study cancer genome dynamics and functional properties in precision medicine. This talk will highlight some of our recent advances in this field.
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